🔥😈Everything You Need To Know About Cultivated Finance 😈🔥

Cultivated Finance
3 min readMay 23, 2021


A common misconception with the Huge APY average today is the subject of the transient loss from staking a Liquidity Provider (LP) in any certain reward generator.

Face it, DeFi has exploded, and we have seen too many long term cryptocurrency investors along with new prospects get sucked into a high APY Farming trap, losing countless dollars only to be forced out by earlier buyers of said currency.

With this said, almost always the valuation suffers from the inevitable bubble, then followed by the impending collapse of the price. This is why static rewards are starting to be mass adopted, a.k.a. Reflection, an alternative concept that eliminates the headache of farming rewards.

Why Static Rewards?

In short, Static Rewards solve many problems.

First, the amount of reward is directly correlated to the tokens trading volume. Static Rewards are put into place to relieve the sell pressure weighing on the token by earlier adopters who may decide to sell after farming insane APY’s for any given period of time.

Second, through reflection we can incentivize those early adopters to hold their tokens to later receive more rewards. These rewards are based upon percentages of the overall token volume and are also dependent on the token holder’s overall supply.

Why TokenBurns?

Simple, Burns matter:

🔥 WE ARE BURNING 50% of the Total Supply Right Away🔥

What is an Automatic Liquidity Provider (LP)?

Automatic LP is a function that has double the benefits for holders.

First, the contract distributes tokens through a tax percentage and adds them to the LP, thus making a steady price floor.

Second, this tax acts as a mechanism to secure the volume of CULT as a reward for the holders. The added LP creates stability from the supplied LP by adding the tax to the overall liquidity of the token, thus increasing the tokens overall LP and supporting the price floor of the token. This is different from the burn function of other reflection tokens which is only beneficial in the short term from the equivalent reduction of supply.

As the CULT token LP increases, price stability stays the course. The goal here is to prevent huge dips in price when large purchasers decide to sell their tokens later down the line.

Cultivated Finance Functions

Cultivated Finance employs 3 simple functions: Reflection, LP acquisition, Burn In each trade, the transaction is taxed a 10% fee, which is split 2 ways.

  • ● 5% fee = redistributed to all existing holders
  • ● 5% fee is split, half of which is sold by the contract into BNB, the other half of the CULT tokens are paired automatically with the previously mentioned BNB and added as a liquidity pair on Pancake Swap.


Cultivated Finance aims to alleviate the troubles we have seen with many circulating DeFi reflection tokens today. We are confident that our model will replace the outdated reflection system and help everyone who Join’s the Cult on the road to financial freedom.

